3 Game You Can Do With Bubble Ball

3 Game You Can Do With Bubble Ball

church bubble ball party

Playing bubble ball is a lot of fun for everyone involved. If you haven’t tried out this exciting activity with your friends or family, you should go give it a try. Bubble Ball is located in Dallas-Fort Worth and would love for you to come and experience the excitement. 

Rain or shine you can go and enjoy this game. If the weather isn’t cooperating you can play it indoors too. This is a great activity to get the whole family involved, throw a party, or even bring the work-family for some team bonding.  Traditionally the game is played just like soccer, but there are more options. 

  1. Last Bubble Bump Standing

This is a fun way to play with the Bubble Ball suites. What is more fun than just running around in a big blow-up bubble, knocking down as many people as you can? The names of these games are pretty much self-explanatory and you can just picture the amount of fun you can have playing them.

Choose the person who is going to try and take out the people first. This one person has the main goal of running up and bouncing as many as you can down. Good thing you are protected with this big blow-up suite! The last person standing is the winner of the game and has to be the “bouncer”. 

  1. Bubble Bump Middle Man

Everyone has probably played monkey in the middle at some point in their life. The name of this version of playing with Bubble Ball suits, makes you think about playing monkey in the middle. This has a little bit of a twist on it though.

Instead of trying to keep the ball away from the “monkey in the middle”, you are trying to stay away from the “man in the middle.” The one person that is in the middle of the court has a goal to bounce as many of the running players on the field or court. When you’ve been bounced, you have to join the middleman. 

  1. Bubble Bump Sumo Man

You can probably assume from the name what happens during this version. Who doesn’t love a good sumo wrestling competition, add some bubble ball suits and you have a fun game. These suits are so fun and hilarious all at the same time. 

The winning person in this game means that you not only knocked your opponent down, but you also bounced them out of the ring. If they do not leave the ring they can get up and try to continue the match. Watching someone attempt to stand up in a bubble ball suit is pretty fun. 

Come Experience The Fun of Bubble Ball 

Bubble Ball is a fun activity to enjoy in Dallas-Fort Worth. Whether you want to come to our facility and enjoy the fun or have us bring the fun to your next event, we can do it. Call us today to plan your event or day of fun.