How to Have a Church Bubble Ball Event

How to Have a Church Bubble Ball Event

bubble ball party for school festival

If you are wondering how to have a church bubble ball event, DFW Bubble Ball makes it easy for you. Bubble ball is always a hit with kids, teens, and adults and is a great way to bring everyone together through competitiveness and laughter.

Our staff brings the equipment out, sets up, and runs the games. We will manage the event for you. You can enjoy the time with your church family, youth group, or children’s ministry.

These are common questions that are asked of us when groups are trying to plan for their events.

1. How much space is required or recommended for playing bubble ball?

While there are no exact specifications for playing bubble ball we do recommend an indoor or outdoor space the size of an elementary school gym or larger. Since bubble ball can be played indoors or outdoors make sure to consider the use of electricity. If there is no access at the event location there will be an additional charge.

2. Who is authorized to sign waivers for children under 18?

The minimum age to play is 8. All waivers must be signed by the parents. If you are a club, church group, camp, or any other youth-focused group you must have the parents sign the waivers before bringing them in. Youth leaders or teachers cannot sign them.

3. What are the recommended hours we rent the equipment for an event?

Depending on the size of your group this could be anywhere between one to two hours. 

  • Up to 20 participants = 1 hour of gameplay
  • Up to 40 participants = 1.5 hours of gameplay
  • 60 or more participants = 2 hours of gameplay

We can be flexible with the number of participants in each timeframe option and can accommodate more kids if needed.

4. How are the participants rotated or do they play continuously?

Bubble ball expends a lot of energy and playing nonstop for an hour will wear even the fittest person out. We also want to make sure everyone gets a turn so we won’t have participants in play for long periods of time. Ten bubble ball suits are in play at one time and participants are rotated out every four minutes. 

5. What miscellaneous things should we know?

If you are looking to capture your event and have keepsakes everyone can enjoy for years to come we have a fun way to offer you just that. Photo booths are very popular and add something special and unique for your group to participate in. We’ll take the pictures and share them on social media. This way, you can share your favorite shots with your friends and family.

Make sure your group wears comfortable clothing and athletic shoes. Consider set up and clean up time when booking your event. We will need to be there an hour prior to the event to set up and thirty minutes after to clean up.

We Can Help You

If you are looking for a great way to build morale and comradery with your staff or youth group Bubble Ball is a great way to do just that. We are happy to help facilitate a fun and exciting way to bring your church group together. Call DFW Bubble Ball today to plan your next event.